Monday, February 20, 2012

Techniques How to Play the Harp

Harp(Kecapi),when this instrument when played makes us shudder. not shiver like seeing the devil you know, he .. he. the melodious strains of this instrument makes you feel peaceful. This instrument has also been aired on television as one of the harp, played in the restaurant of Java. let us learn to play stringed instruments this.

Technique is meant to play excerpts Kacapi Kacapi to nenghasilkan tone composition (gending) optimally. Meiliputi many ways the fingers are used and the positions and movements of the fingers when plucked string (wire).
Kacapi passage technique is often used, especially in the splash witty Sunda, kawih Kacapian, and Cianjuran, globally there are three kinds of sintreuk-toel mugged, and dijeungkalan. Which distinguishes between the refinement of one another, as noted above, in addition to the number of fingers used is also the position and movement of the fingers when picking the strings. Thus the tones (gending) produced the fingers will be different pu! A. For more details of the above three techniques, the authors will explain one by one following the example of his training in the form cacarakan (Kacapi passage ways), the material refers to the common goal is to educate students in order to demonstrate the techniques Kacapi passage into the form of arrangement ( instrumental) and pirigan song (accompaniment track).
The explanations and exercises are as follows:

Sintreuk-toel are excerpts Kacapi technique by using two fingers in the right and left index finger. Position and movement of his fingers is: a right index finger folded into daiam, the tip touches the strings with his fingernails nyintreuk movement (flick), and two left index finger slightly curved downward, the tip touches the strings with his fingernails noel movement (with the touch of a fingertip), so that the movement of The second finger produces a tone composition (gending) is desired. There is a unidirectional movement in gembyang tone (octave) or kempyung (chord), there is the opposite with a different tone, and some are like the telunjukkanan shouted to each other and left. Function of each finger on something equally as presenter melody, some are right index finger as a presenter left the melody and bass as a presenter and others. This means that depending on the needs musikainya.

Mugged techniques (how rich criminals yes, hihi) is the excerpts of the position and gerakanjarinya Kacapi especially the right hand fingers, like menjambret2 ie three tones sounding simultaneously, by using the thumb, forefinger and middle finger. While the position and movement of the left hand (thumb and forefinger) as ngajeungkalan. Function of both the hand of each as a presenter accompaniment (right hand) and a renderer bass (left hand). Mugged technique usually used to accompany songs, rhythmic march Sundanese (fast tempo). Practically, the technique has only one motive mugged. Therefore, in cacarakannya only be oriented in tone to be played alone, which in terms of tradition called kenongan. For example, techniques mugged in kenongan 5 (la).
oya.,. keep ya harp, not to harp on the claims by neighboring countries.

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